Git et Github

Installer Git, puis connecter Git, Github et Rstudio (Linux et Mac)
Date de publication

25 juin 2023

Vérifie si Git est installé

  • which git
  • S’il ne l’est pas : brew install git

Présente toi à Git

  • git config --global 'Jane Doe'
  • git config --global '
  • git config --global --list

Cloner un repo

Cacher le Personnal access token

Updates and shortens a post by Danielle Navarro.

For everyone :

  • If (and only if) no token yet : usethis::create_github_token()

  • Then cache it : gitcreds::gitcreds_set()

  • Check your git situation : usethis::git_sitrep()

Then, for Linux users only :

  • Download the latest version of GCM (the .deb file)

  • Install it : sudo dpkg -i <path-to-deb-file>

  • git-credential-manager configure


And not : git-credential-manager-CORE configure, as in Danielle Navarro’s blog post.

  • Check libsecret is installed (it should be) : dpkg -s libsecret-1-0 The status should be Install ok Installed

  • git config --global credential.credentialStore secretservice

  • The first time you make a push, a window will open in your web browser, asking for password and a confirmation.


  author = {Boulakia, Théo},
  title = {Git et Github},
  date = {2023-06-25},
  url = {},
  langid = {fr}
Veuillez citer ce travail comme suit :
Boulakia, Théo. 2023. “Git et Github.” June 25, 2023.